Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Unnamed Story Issue One:

Here is a story I am currently writing in my free or unimportant time. I have not come up with a name yet, but perhaps, you, the reader, would be so obliging.

Issue One:
As a young girl I was often faced with various adversities and burdens. Now, as a young woman I am able to take a step back and reflect upon my childhood.
It is a simple uninteresting tale, but I nonetheless fell compelled to share it with you.
I came to my parents on February the 29th on a very cold winter's afternoon. My father was the town's blacksmith, and did not make much of a living, which I suppose began all our problems. For, it was on this fine winter's afternoon that I left my parents.
Just a little after my coming into the world my mother became very very ill. The midwife hired could do nothing for her, and recommended a doctor to be sent for. My father was a very poor man, however, and was quite aware he never could afford a physician.
He did what any loving father and husband would do. He called the doctor anyway. The only problem he now had to face was the matter of acquiring some money. Desperate, he went begging from from house to house throughout the village. To no avail however, for ours was a poor and selfish village. Walking sadly past the inn he chanced to notice a grand carriage had just pulled up and he watch a lady dressed in a dazzling gown step out jewels dangling from every inch of her body. He made up his mind then and there not tl ask the lady's name but to forage though her carriage for something to give the doctor as collateral.
Upon entrance to he carriage he found many objects of great worth. His eye, however, came to rest upon a golden bejeweled drinking vessel which he soon had tucked away in his belt.

I hope you have enjoyed this! The next part will be available soon!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds very interesting! I can't think of a title, though.
